The second of the REN-SHEN series of novels is out now!
For Ren-Shen, it isn’t easy being a god of the celestial realm. But only another god would know that. It doesn’t become any easier when you are also Steve Nedelkin – a man burdened with the hopes and frailties of being human.
This second instalment of the REN-SHEN series continues from the bestselling novel, REN-SHEN Half Spirit, which now sees our god/man immersed in a world demanding justice in the way only he can deliver. At least, that’s what he thinks.
Ren-Shen meets other celestially connected entities who provide knowledge and insights about the terrifying objects of his decree, the apex demons known as The Few. We learn much more about this cabal of wicked agents of Chaos who rule the world!
We are introduced to Steve’s children and learn something of their nature. Destiny is a magnet to the powerful lines. Fate may prove to link them all.
A Secret of Secrets is revealed and he learns the gravity of an unfortunate decision in a thrilling climax.
The bestselling first of the REN-SHEN series of novels is where the story begins!
In the first of the REN-SHEN series, Steve Nedelkin begins his journey into the supernatural world. After experiencing a series of tragic events at a martial-arts fighting tournament, Steve begins to learn the truth of his ancestral ties.
His path leads him to Japan where he finds true love with the beautiful Megumi. He also gains more insight into his other-worldly abilities with the help of Temyana, a powerful Orphic priestess bound to his bloodline under an ancient oath.
All is dramatically taken away from him by his very own father-in-law, the evil Kumicho, a powerful demon and one of The Few.
Steve finds redemption in Fujian China with the god Si-Ming, Director of Destinies. He quickly discovers his inextricable link to the great Five Ancestors of Shaolin – which ultimately reveals his divine decree as REN-SHEN, God of Justice.
But to summon his god, he must find what Kumicho took away from him …. his humanity.
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About the author
Isn't life great? It's been too much fun writing this story!
Hi everyone, I’m Chris Milanko. It’s my pleasure to welcome you here. I guess I should share a little about me. Hmmm, where to start?
I previously held a national all-styles fighting title. I have been teaching Shaolin Five Ancestors Kung Fu for over 30 years in addition to running a very busy Chartered Accounting firm here in sunny Australia. My business sees me consulting to all sizes of businesses in matters of taxation and business logic. I enjoy making music and you will see some clues about that on this website from time to time.
The Covid-19 outbreak was my catalyst for putting fingers to keyboard and I created a hell of a story about a guy who ends up becoming a god. I’d like to think it’s an autobiography, but that’s a BIG like.
If you like your superhero fiction novels full of interesting real-life connections and FIERCE – you are in the right place!
I hope you enjoy your visit here. I plan to do something very unique with the world I have created in REN-SHEN so please join me in the Infinite!